Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: The Gunpowder Plot
Promoted by: Brighton Early Music Festival
Time: Sunday, 9 October 2005, at 8:00pm
Place: St George’s Church, Brighton
Description: Commemorating the 400th anniversary of the attempt by a group of radical Catholics to blow up the Houses of Parliament, this concert with readings presents music by William Byrd, Thomas Tomkins and Peter Phillips plus a few ditties to remind us that life was not always so serious in the first decade of the 1600! With The Cardinall's Musick, director Andrew Carwood.
Tickets: Premium: 20 (15 concs); A: 15 (10 concs); B: 10 (7 concs); C (restricted view): 5. Box office (no fee) or via the Dome Box Office: 01273 - 709709
Contact: Clare Norburn

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