Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: Wesendonck Lieder - Free Song Recital
Promoted by: St Mary's Church, Kemp Town, Brighton
Time: Saturday, 22 October 2016, at 6:00pm
Place: St Mary's Church, Brighton
Description: Dramatic mezzo soprano Rhonda Browne, accompanied by pianist Andrew Macmillan, sings Wagner's soaring Wesendonck Lieder, five songs setting the poetry of German author Mathilde Wesendonck (1828-1902). Plus there are songs by Brahms and Howells and some deliciously light additions from Cole Porter, Liza Lehmann and Jeremy Nicholas.
Saturday, 22nd October, 6 pm, at St Mary's Church in Brighton, on the corner of St James's Street & Upper Rock Gardens. This is the last in our Summer 2016 recital series. It's free, as always, with complimentary refreshments afterwards and a retiring collection in aid of music performance at St Mary's. Wheelchair accessible. Happy dogs on a lead welcome.
Tickets: Free entry, with a retiring collection in aid of music performance at St Mary's.
Contact: Katherine Prior

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