Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: Concert of music by Mozart & Haydn
Performed by: East Sussex Bach Choir
Time: Saturday, 28 May 2022, at 7:00pm
Place: Town Hall, Lewes
Description: East Sussex Bach Choir with Kantorei Hochrhein, Waldshut perform Mozart Mass in C minor & Haydn Te Deum. Sir John Tomlinson sings an aria from The Magic Flute. The Baroque Collective (leader Alison Bury) plays Haydn Symphony no 6 "Le Matin". Directed by John Hancorn with soloists Sofia Ticciati, Galina Averina, Paul Austin Kelly & Ben Davies.
Concert supported by the Mayor of Lewes
Tickets: £25 £20 & £15 (accompanied under 16 free) available from or on the door
Contact: East Sussex Bach Choir

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