Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: Fretful Federation in Concert
Performed by: Fretful Federation Mandolin Orchestra
Time: Tuesday, 31 May 2022, at 7:30pm
Place: St George’s Church, Brighton
Description: Now that the time of Zoom rehearsals and social distancing seems to be over we are excited to announce our first concert for a long time. It will feature a new composition by Jonathan Brigg called Seafaring Folk. An atmospheric piece, it was originally written for the Sussex Folk Orchestra and we will be joined by two of their players on accordion and cello. The program will also include music by Delibes, Beethoven, Susato and others plus some folk tunes with our guests.
Tickets: £10/£8 to include a glass of wine or soft drink. Free to NHS staff on production of ID.
Contact: jacky walls

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