Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: Christmas songs and carols
Performed by: East Sussex Bach Choir
Time: Saturday, 18 December 2004, at 7:30pm
Place: St Andrew’s Church, Alfriston
Description: H Schütz: The Christmas Story
B Britten: A Ceremony of Carols
Carols by Lucinda Charlesworth and James Ellis
Carols for the audience
With Lucinda Houghton Soprano, Paul Thompson Tenor, Christopher Wrae Bass, Sara Gourlay Mezzo Soprano, Helen Arnold Harp and The Sussex Baroque Players Leader: Alison Bury
Tickets: Tickets £15 or £12 (Concessions for Friends of ESBC: £13 or £10) for this concert may be purchased from Lewes Travel, Steamer Trading at Alfriston (cash only please) or by telephone or text to 07759 878562 .
Contact: V Winslade

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